Mercure Karpacz Skalny

Pet-friendly hotel

“Dogs might love a place, as people do, but the only place they love beyond all others is the place where you are.”

Dean Koontz. A Big Little Life. A Memoir of a Joyful Dog Named Trixie

Traveling without parting with your pet is possible, after all. Do not think twice and bring him with you. We will lovingly take care of his comfort as well. Tell us in advance about your intention to bring him to us and let us know how we can take care of him.

After arriving



That trip to Karpacz did not take long at all. In fact, I mostly slept, and although I drank a few times during the breaks, I immediately got interested in the water bowl at the entrance.

Is that for me? Great!

at the reception



I have to admit that it's been a pretty good start. The bones here are prepared in various ways. And they even picked the right size for me. I wonder how they knew that.
I am pleasantly surprised by such a treat.

I think I will try the one with dried meat...






It's delicious which basically means I'm not interested in anything else at the moment...

However, those I came here with are now at the reception desk listening about how I can relax in this hotel...

HERE Read the rules!

during the stay


Oh, and another bowl full of water in the room. They also got a small towel for me, in case I came back from a walk with muddy paws...

Well, who knows, it might actually come in handy at some point. What I like here is that since my lair came with us, I'll get some rest after this trip!

No, not yet, though? I can just hear that we're off to stretch our bones. Hmm, that's really interesting, after all, I've already eaten mine, so I don't know what they mean. Is there going to be another one, or what?


on the trail


If you ask me, a short walk through the hotel's forest is definitely enough, and I can only think of lying down now. In the room or on the meadow in front of a hotel overlooking Śnieżka. I’ve come to the mountains, after all.

I see, however, that the team of my golden friend I met at the hall's water bowl is getting ready for a longer trip. But wait a minute, I could do that, too...

Hey, Golden, remind your guys not to forget a bag for you!  You know, if you were in need. I saw them at the hotel entrance.

Check HERE, to see which trails your dog can walk in the Karkonosze Mountains!

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